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EDEMA KIT is designed to address edema by maximizing dehydration while minimizing wrinkling, pruning, and fluid burn by providing a variety of chemicals to inject arterially. 

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  • 5
    Great combination

    Posted by Royal Funeral Home on May 15th 2023

    The combination that is in the kit and Xeros is a life saver because most cases have Edema. The kit combination makes them look great.

  • 5
    Easy to follow instructions

    Posted by John S Givnish Funeral Home on May 15th 2023

    The case I handled had Moderate Edema in the hands and legs and Light Edema in the face,  so I use 5  gallons of the mixture.  The face showed reduction with the 2nd gallon of the Light mixture ( 1 gallon per side ) and at this point I restricted the other artery. I than use the Moderate mixture formula for the rest. The hands and legs were showing some reduction by the end of the  3 gallon. The tissue set up nicely and the reduction did not wrinkle the skin that much at all.  After the process was finished I trocard the forearms and legs, than raised them to let them drain out

  • 5
    Great Kit!

    Posted by Adam Hyde on May 15th 2023

    I think this is the best kit thus far. I used many of the products when I embalmed a case with lots of edema. I am not sure if I would call it severe or even extreme. The Legs and hands did have a lot of edema, whereas the face did not. I was able to use the products, especially Specialist to really get the drying action and the firming action that I was looking for.